All things are One. There is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity.
All is One, and that one is love/light, light/love, The One Infinite Creator...

~Ra, humble messenger of the Law of One~

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why are we here anyway?

There is a great chance that any of us is having that question of "why are we here?" or "what is the meaning of our existence?" in some time or even in the whole time of our individual life.

According to basic spiritual principles, we are individual expressions of The One or Infinite Being and we are here to experience life. Each person is unique, and our purpose on Earth is to experience life from our own unique perspective. We are the eyes and ears, so to speak, of Infinite Being.

You are here to experience your uniqueness, and to experience and explore it as fully as possible. That way, you learn as much as possible from the experience of being who you are in this particular incarnation.

The Paradoxes

It is a paradox that everyone is here for the same reason and yet everyone has an individual purpose. Everyone is here to experience life as deeply as possible, and yet your individual purpose is to explore your unique character. Everyone, therefore, has an unique function within the infinite variety of Creation.

Another paradox is the question of destiny versus freewill. People seem to have freewill, and yet, if destiny exists, wouldn’t pre-destiny cancel freewill? Not exactly. Here’s how it works.

You planned your overall path through life before you were born. That life plan is your overall destiny, but the details of life leave plenty of room for freewill. You could even use your freewill to change your whole life plan, but then, why would you want to change your own life plan? The fact that your physical brain doesn’t remember your own pre-made plan doesn’t hinder the fact that it continues to unfold as time goes by. Your inner self, your soul, remembers your plan perfectly. One of the functions of your inner self is to give you hunches that you can follow. These hunches, when acted upon, assist you to explore your life’s potential to the fullest effect.

Meditators Have More Fun

Regular methods to get you into meditates-state of mind or altered states such as prayers, dzikir, meditation, words chanting, etc keeps you in tune with your inner self and helps to guarantee that you get the most out of life by being in the right places at the right times. Then synchronicity can unfold in the form of meetings and events which support your life’s purpose.

At a soul level, you are a member of an extended family of many hundreds of individuals. All of these individuals know and love you, so there are always ample opportunities available for incarnation through parents that you already know at a soul level. People usually choose lives where they can surround themselves with members of their extended soul family. People in the same soul family share common themes. They are in tune with your consciousness and therefore interested in the same issues and experiences in life.

Before the Veil of Birth

When it was time for you to incarnate into this life, you viewed several alternatives, including several possible sets of parents. Your final choice offered you the best opportunity to explore the activities and issues that you have been experiencing.

How much detail goes into planning an entire lifetime? Destiny exists for the main events in your life – the major choices, events and connections in your life. Important relationships are carefully planned so that they have the best chance of happening. Your parents and your environment are chosen for how they will mould your life in the direction that you wish to explore.

In the pre-life planning stage, you actually get to see how everything will turn out as you explore different alternatives and scenarios. Then you make your big choice. You say, “I’ll take A and B as parents. I’ll be their baby boy, starting in 8 months when I get born. Until then I’ll hang around them in spirit, at least on and off, until it’s time to emerge and become a baby person.

Then I’ll grow up in their family, attending that local elementary school. When they move to the city of X as planned, I’ll go to high school there and meet my old buddy, who’ll be called C, and he’ll be the same age as me. D’s family will move into town when I’m sixteen, and being D's boyfriend will start to shape the direction of the rest of my life. We’ll go to the same college together and explore the idea that she will need me to support her while she goes on to medical school to become a doctor.” And so on, and so on, as the plan unfolds.

Themes, Issues, Adventures

Personal themes are planned for exploration in life, as well as soul family themes. Also, there are cultural themes and global issues, especially in today’s growing global awareness. One theme that society has been developing over the last few decades is the issue of liberation from the imbalance of a patriarchal society.

At the same time, an even larger shift has been taking place – the shift from a consciousness of separation to one of integration. Separation consciousness has been the theme for thousands of years. We have separated into tribes, then countries and empires. We have separated ourselves by race, sex and religion. We have even separated our own consciousness, focusing it further into the external world and away from the inner light which is the very source of our consciousness.

But that realities is undergo a dramatic changes, it would be a physical, mental and spiritual shift to the next level of realities. As we have a clock to regulate our daily lives, Universe have a "built-in" clock that regulate the cycle of creation and that will impact all the aspect of the creation itself.

Have you noticed that time is passing by faster now? and world events is unfolding rapidly that today's world seem already different with yesterday's world. The "mantra" of our world today is "Change" and its momentum breaking into every aspect of our life, politics, economy, social, spiritual, you name it. Basically there's a quiet revolution happening from the cellular level to the global level, indeed when we look back a couple of years before us, the process of the emergence of the world like what we have today will require a hundred years process in the past.

What an interesting time to live-in eh? :)

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